what you need to know about concept art
concept art is the first part of the game before you design the characters on Maya because you have to get the character perfect on paper before you start making it on the PC.
it is also an idea that someone has and then they bring that to life by putting there feeling and the motivation of the mind onto paper and letting the world see there idea and the feeling one may have and how there mind works for example if you have an artist who uses dark colours then you can get the impression that they are in a very dark place in there head and there mindset might be to express what they are thinking and get it on to paper but then if someone draws a very colourful and bright piece of art then you my think that they are in more of a happy and peaceful mind set and there expressing there feelings of course this is all what i think on expressing art though your mind im not saying that everyone who either draws happy or sad pieces of art are all in the mind set but i like to think that one should express themselves through art with the power and motivation of ones mind to tell the world how you are feeling.
how does concept art make you feel
this piece of concept art make me feel upset like in there in that world and the feelings of pain that the character int the art work is feeling the hanging bodies are one of the more powerful of the death and despair that has gone on in the picture the smoke makes me feel that there was and war and the clothing makes me believe that there in a WW1 battle like the Somme and going back to the hanging bodies then becomes even more powerful with of the war made you feel and how horrific it must of been to be there in that place the colouring that the artist has used are very dark and gloomy but the blue sky and bird flying make me feel like there is hope because that small part of colour shows happiness and the birds flying away make me feel like there is still life after this war .